I decided to ride my deadly treadly to work today as I had a slightly later start than normal to attend a study day at the hospital. I prepared for the 20 kilometre ride last night and told my son he could use the car to drive to school so long as he picked his younger sister up after school, this way I did not have to worry about Jordy making it home and did not feel the need to hurry home.
Yesterday was a very hot 34 degrees C and I prepared for a hot day forecasted but when I got up this morning the weather had already cooled and intermittent light drizzle was falling. Luckily it did not really rain and my clothes remained dry and I made it to work in record time. I got to work 10 minutes earlier than I normally do and I can assure you my stamina in cycling has not improved that much. I must have had some lucky breaks with the lights.
I love this time of the year when cycling along the Torrens River and every thing is fresh and crisp in the early morning and only a few people are up and about getting their daily exercise. It is lovely to travel along the river through the suburbs and feel like you are out in the country, removed from the rat race.
On my return trip home this afternoon I decided to follow the river all the way to the coast. It added on a few extra kilometres but the ride was well worth it. The river meets the sea at West Beach and today it was truly beautiful. I had remembered to pack my camera today because I particularly love the pelican scuplures that sit aloft the tall poles overlooking the beautiful surrounds. Usually there are a few live pelicans to be found loitering near the fisherman at the mouth of the river waitng for a free feed. these sentile pelicans stand on opposite sides of the bridge crossing the river

Hi! Welcome to my life and the mess that I have fun creating everyday. I am an Australian, mother of three and nurse to many. Passion resides in the creative arts and finding joy in the daily colour of life I would love to hear from you! With respect if you list or print content from my pages please link back to me
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Monday, 28 November 2011
Wonder, Awe and Aladdin
I always wonder how I manage to get myself involved in projects that seem to escalate without any real serious thought on my behalf. I open my mouth say yes and then seem to be involved in a project that takes up far to much time. Still it does stimulate the creative juices when you get to participate in decorating the ward for Christmas and basically have free reign.
This year the powers that be have decided that we on South 2 And HDU or High dependency unit should at least attempt to win this years ward decorating competition. So a little brain storming by the fearless leaders evolves into presenting the play of Aladdin as a Christmas theme for the ward. Interesting??
The pantomine of Aladdin apparently originates in China- this I did not know- and involves a washer woman's son whom is pure of heart falling in love with a poor emperors daughter. He goes off in search of treasures in a cave told to him by a greedy wizard whom pretends to be a long lost uncle. The cave only holds a lamp which Aladdin discovers to be magical, he wins his loves hand in marriage and avoids evil. (abbreviated version)
With this story in mind I have begun creating items as backdrops for the "pantomimes"characters whom will the staff photographed and superimposed onto cut out characters of the play. This process is being done by Sonya whom produced the photo compilation for Jacqui's farewell at Port Elliot. (see old post Port Elliot Farewell)
There are four market scenes, a palace scene with the emperor and his daughter, 2 scenes at Aladdins palace, a scene at the washer woman laundry and a scene in the cave. Eight scenes in total but I can cheat and repeat the market scenes. All scenes need to flat and not obstruct traffic through the hospital wards but things can hang form the ceiling!
Dragons to greet visitors to the ward as they enter the Temple doors. I have made two very large temple pillars out of cardboard boxes from lounge furniture packing to cover the doors at the entry to the ward. Ill photograph them when they have been put up.
Following are three market scenes that are yet to be coloured but give a suggestion of shops, pharmacy/perfume, fruits and veg, dolls and crockery - each scene x4 about the size of A3 paper and encapsulated in a large shop front of cardboard.
I'm going to make awnings of material to hang from the ceiling and then there will be Chinese lanterns strung intermittently
More dragon? lion types to stand guard at the palace
A seat fit for a king/ emperor???
Its a start anyway ...more to come
This year the powers that be have decided that we on South 2 And HDU or High dependency unit should at least attempt to win this years ward decorating competition. So a little brain storming by the fearless leaders evolves into presenting the play of Aladdin as a Christmas theme for the ward. Interesting??
The pantomine of Aladdin apparently originates in China- this I did not know- and involves a washer woman's son whom is pure of heart falling in love with a poor emperors daughter. He goes off in search of treasures in a cave told to him by a greedy wizard whom pretends to be a long lost uncle. The cave only holds a lamp which Aladdin discovers to be magical, he wins his loves hand in marriage and avoids evil. (abbreviated version)
With this story in mind I have begun creating items as backdrops for the "pantomimes"characters whom will the staff photographed and superimposed onto cut out characters of the play. This process is being done by Sonya whom produced the photo compilation for Jacqui's farewell at Port Elliot. (see old post Port Elliot Farewell)
There are four market scenes, a palace scene with the emperor and his daughter, 2 scenes at Aladdins palace, a scene at the washer woman laundry and a scene in the cave. Eight scenes in total but I can cheat and repeat the market scenes. All scenes need to flat and not obstruct traffic through the hospital wards but things can hang form the ceiling!
Dragons to greet visitors to the ward as they enter the Temple doors. I have made two very large temple pillars out of cardboard boxes from lounge furniture packing to cover the doors at the entry to the ward. Ill photograph them when they have been put up.
Following are three market scenes that are yet to be coloured but give a suggestion of shops, pharmacy/perfume, fruits and veg, dolls and crockery - each scene x4 about the size of A3 paper and encapsulated in a large shop front of cardboard.
I'm going to make awnings of material to hang from the ceiling and then there will be Chinese lanterns strung intermittently
More dragon? lion types to stand guard at the palace
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Christmas is upon us
Christmas is barrelling its way around the corner and I haven't thought about it seriously yet. Usually I would have completed some hand made projects to give to my sisters and have commenced purchasing some smaller presents for the children, but this year I have done nothing. And so the Adelaide Christmas Pageant came to town on Saturday and my daughter and I rose early so that we could get a reasonable vantage point to watch the parade. I managed to throw together a Christmassy outfit for Jordy to wear on the morning of the pageant. I remembered the water bottles but not the hats, at least we put on sunscreen so we didint fry entirely under the morning sun.
It really is quite a spectacle to see the 150 floats or so and it heralds in the beginning of the silly season. Anyway enjoy the photos
RED noses were handed out to wear to break a record for the most people wearing red noses
Ive used a few of last years photos as they were better quality but essentially the same float
It really is quite a spectacle to see the 150 floats or so and it heralds in the beginning of the silly season. Anyway enjoy the photos
The Police Greys announce the start of the pageant and ensure the children are all positioned behind the blue line. Aren't the jacaranda trees in the back ground magnificent?
Ive used a few of last years photos as they were better quality but essentially the same float
Cone Flower
I made some time ago these cone flower pillow cases and then they got buried in my linen cupboard, as all things do around here. They are designed by Sue Spargo and the pattern was in a Better Homes and Gardens : American Patch Work And Quilting Magazine. Sue has a lovely sense of the naive and her patterns respond well to injections of colour. Sue usually utilizes a multitude of colours in her patchwork and always has a touch of whimsy. Anyway I'm glad that they've found their way out of the cupboard.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
It is with a sadden heart that I write . My dear brother in law Jack passed away, 6 days ago, only a few weeks after the passing of his father John OCallaghan. Jack fought a valiant fight against cancer, maintained his dignity and above all strove to live. He was a stubborn man and persisted in the daily workings of life. He really didnt want to stop working because he wanted to provide the best for his family. He ensured his apprentice young jack was well prepared to continue his trade and would have support when he was no longer able to give it.
His son Lachlan is a testimony to the type of man Jack was, Lachlan is a well rounded individual, intelligent and has a keen sense of humour like his father. Molly his daughter has grace and character. Jack shines through Molly in that she is a quiet achiever, once she gets going she acts with persistence and diligence but she does it with her own sense of style and creativity.
To Diana my dear sister I grieve for her loss. Her one true love, soul mate, whom challenged and encouraged her to strive to be her best has been lost. Each has met each other along their journey, offering support and comfort, words of encouragement or criticism where required but with the understanding of love.
Tomorrow we bury Jack but he will not be forgotten
His son Lachlan is a testimony to the type of man Jack was, Lachlan is a well rounded individual, intelligent and has a keen sense of humour like his father. Molly his daughter has grace and character. Jack shines through Molly in that she is a quiet achiever, once she gets going she acts with persistence and diligence but she does it with her own sense of style and creativity.
To Diana my dear sister I grieve for her loss. Her one true love, soul mate, whom challenged and encouraged her to strive to be her best has been lost. Each has met each other along their journey, offering support and comfort, words of encouragement or criticism where required but with the understanding of love.
Tomorrow we bury Jack but he will not be forgotten
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