Saturday, 29 September 2012

Pomegranate stamp block

I've been waiting for my stamp book by Gennine to arrive and have been informed that it wont come until some time in November. Being the impatient type of person and having already bought myself a ezy carve stamp block I could wait no longer. I already had the tools for carving from my lino printing days and was expecting a similar type of effort to carve the block. May I say that it does carve like butter. Too easy. No sore wrists just lovely easy to carve block. All I need to do is get a finer carving tool to make more defined corners. Easy peasy!

 My pomegranate block. I'll need to work on a little more definition. I originally started carving this so I could print labels for my hand dyed scarves, but decided to do some fabric printing on some let  over hand dyed berry material my daughter used to make a hippy cape with.

Pretty happy with my start in fabric stamping.
Will make a larger printed piece of material later. It dried really quickly too.

Spring Fiesta

A riot of colour for the opening of spring 
Sunshine with natures tequila sunrise

Blooming great!

Friday, 28 September 2012

Apple Cinnamon Upside Down Cake

My daughter requested an apple cinnamon cake this afternoon. I dont know what possessed her to request this as I have only made cinnamon pecan swirl muffins (from the quince tree) or apple pies but never apple and cinnamon cake before. I wasn't in the mood to investigate a recipe for this so I used the only apple I had and a basic butter cake recipe to make this cake.

I peeled and sliced the apple into fine wedges and formed a ring around the bottom of a lined tin. I had some left over cinnamon and sugar from doughnut making and sprinkled it over the bottom of the tin
A  basic butter cake recipe of 2 eggs 4oz butter 6oz sugar 8oz SR flour and 1/2 cup of milk (2468 cake) and then fold in half cup brown sugar and cinnamon to give swirled effect.
Cook for an hour 180 degree C and voilà  a upside down cinnamon cake.
I had to photograph the cake this evening before the kids demolished  it and hence the poor lighting.

All Wrapped Up

An attempt to wrap a birthday gift artistically....
Mmm a little practice maybe?
Oh well its the thought that counts really!

The stamping on the paper includes
"Dreams are the touchstones of our character" by Henry David Thomas
"The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted at all" by ?

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Peruvian Cooking Class

My sister and I trekked across Adelaide to The Semaphore Pantry to attend a cooking class on Peruvian Cooking.

Personally I had no idea what flavours this would involve although Love the colours of Peru, its hand crafted blankets and such strong traditions. The flavours we were greeted with at the class were westernised but showed strong influence of Mexican and some Chinese in some of the dishes.

We had Pisco sours and I must say that this is going to become my favourite summer drinks. I'm a fan of gin and tonics and margaritas so this little beauty slides in nicely with those flavours. My sister also thought this drink might become her favourite. So when I obtain a bottle of Pisco I'll make one to share with you.
Tonight I decided to treat the family to a little jaunt from the cooking class  and made the girlled chicken with the potatoes and cheese sauce and accompanying salad.

 The cheese sauce to go with the potatoes was quite spicy and the accompaniment of eggs lettuce and olive enhanced the flavours

the flavours of the chicken are what make this dish special
I think that the sauce for the potatoes is definitely for the more mature taste and that's why I served it up separately.
More later when I can have a Pisco Sour.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Birds On A Wire

I was heading off in the car to get take away dinners to night and rounded the corner to spy some of my feathered friends gathered over head enjoying a bask in the last rays of the sun.

This image is not so clear but gives you an idea of how many galahs there were

And last night I headed off to Somerton Beach to pick up Ben whom was out getting some board paddling training to be treated to such a luscious sky

Heavenly rays poking through the clouds

A panoramic sweep across the beach with my camera. So few people on the beach , its hard to believe.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

What Doing?

What Doing?
My girlfriend's husband, Stuart, always will ask this as a greeting in the hope of eliciting a more exciting response than the one you usually get when asked "How are you?". So out with it, what have you been doing?

I really have been a bit shy of writing lately even though life is busy and something is always on the go.
I started another ripple blanket a while ago and just work on it occasionally. Although I made a huge effort of crocheting when Caleb was sick and I spent alot of time in doctors waiting  rooms. The crochet seemed to spark a bit of interest and Caleb commented that everybody whom walked passed had a good look. For me it helps make the time pass faster and has some tangible value at the end of it (besides ensuring my childs well being)

I've just finished reading this. No it is not about a movie star but is an account of a small part of South Australian history and  the life of Reg Sprigg, geologist, environmentalist and established the first eco tourism in Arkaroola Station before it became fashionable , oil, uranium and mining discoverer, marine adventurer and deep sea diver, author,  founder of Geosurveys company and SANTOS  and Beach petroleum. He lived a most fascinating life and had far reaching vision which was beyond his time and available technology. His life story evokes the feeling of wow! How could I not know about such an important person in Australian recent history, a man of our times. I'll be going to the library to find his book -Geology is Fun.!

Some time ago, probably four months ago, I entered a competition with Homespun Magazine and to my delight the other day received a brown paper parcel containing some lovely vintage inspired patterns from Charlie s Aunt'.

 I'll definately be making the Premium Bond Bag

Found this at the op shop today. It was pretty grubby so I didn't buy it but thought I'd make something like it myself as a pot holder. I did buy some lovely old bread tins and  a bowl that looked like Burleigh ware

 Bought some lovely green glass ware for $2 a piece, yumminess isn't it? I had to wipe the table, maybe I should have shown you all the dust!

I've been collecting 70's  style bottles. I noticed that as soon as I start to get a few of things the prices start to creep up. I'm collecting glassware with gold bands on them. I bought those soda bottles years ago . They are made by Woodroofes Lemonade Company and have beautiful etching on them

 I found this unique egg cup holder. One of the egg cups is not from the original set and it appears that someone might have painted the centre figurine. I will eventually get it re silvered but I love its style.

My grandmas cabinet (Oma). She actually hated this piece of furniture. The family bought the cabinet when they arrived in Australia and moved out bush in New South Wales. I think my father at the time was working on a sheep station originally as a station hand and then as a cook for forty men. Dad was brought up in bakery in Holland and when they found out he could cook he was baking for the local community as well as producing three meals a day for the station hands. My Oma worked on the farm as did my Opa.

I've stuffed the cabinet full of op shop finds. Do your cupboards look like this?
Love the curved glass of the cabinet.

I wandered  into Jordana's room and was filled with love and happiness , she is enchanting.
On her wall....

Her art work on her desk
Brimming with happiness she is.

On that note I'll say catch you soon, dont be a stranger and drop a line in the comment box
Keep safe.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Birds of a Feather


Walking on the beach tonight and my sister and I were greeted by an unusual sight of a flock of galahs feasting on beach grasses. Although pink galahs are common enough in Adelaide they don't usually hang around the beach to feed. There must be a plentiful supply of seeds currently.
Isn't the sky a lovely colour in the first photo?

These photos were taken on my phone so are a bit grainy. I wish I had my camera with me

And another small treasure found is this lovely bright yellow shell. Every now and then I find one washed up on the shore - natures beauty abounds.

I'm still working on the quilt as you go quilt, I'm trying to finish the blocks before piecing together so will be a little while longer before I do the second half of the tutorial. If I don't do it this way I'll abandon it and get distracted by another project. Sometimes I am easily led astray.

I've been a little busy in the last few weeks. My eldest has been ill and several trips to the doctor later and a week off of school and he is finally better - he had a really good dose of gastro although I am still not entirely convinced it was this.

I have also been busy applying for another job (nursing related) and still have the interview process to go through in a couple of weeks time. Fingers crossed. I have the qualifications to fulfill the position so it just depends on whom else applies for the position.

Anyway stay safe keep happy