Finally I might have gotten my mathematics right to form the stars. I still managed to muck it up by miscalculating the triangle size for the sawtooth triangles of the star. So I have lots of triangles cut for flying geese blocks for the charity quilt
I took the plunge and just decided that I would machine quilt the entire quilt. Maybe a little too adventurous but I will definitely have honed my free motion quilting skills by the end of it.
Last night I practiced drawing feather patterning for the large triangle surrounding the star just to get an idea of where I should turn and how much curve and generally what looks good.
I dont spend a lot of time deliberating whether I should do something straight off or actually practice it. In for a penny in for a pound,,,feet first.. If I stuff it up I'll just have to make another
So I had some trouble with the first feather looping and found that by changing my needle and re threading the machine solved that problem as I didn't think that I was going to slow with my machine.
The second half of the triangle looks better from behind but I had a couple of sections where my curves did not flow easily.
It certainly is challenging planning ahead where your machine is going and being able to visualise your work. Ideally I should have also done this section in pieces but I don't want a lot of seams showing in the star,
I laid the pieces outside on the ground to get an idea of overall effect when joined in a strip.
And I couldn't resist photographing this flower at mum's house hanging through the fence from one of her succulent plants. Its beautiful isn't it
I have a lot of projects happening at the moment!
And for anyone interested in giveaway visit Stitch by Stitch for a birthday giveaway here