There was plenty of noise outside tonight with birds screeching in the tree. I wandered outside to photograph them and only managed this one shot before the battery died in the camera. Note to self : recharge the camera after each expedition.
I have actually been on several outings lately and haven't downloaded the photos (it takes such a long time) so I will probably show the rest later in the week.
This tapestry cushion was actually finished weeks ago but I never bought fibre fill for the stuffing until last week and then took a really long time to find the time and place to photograph it.
I actually stopped on the way home through the hills on the side of the road , after visiting the Tickle Tank (yes you can marvel at the name, but you will marvel more at the ingenuity of the owners that live in the tank. But that is a story for another day, as I have too many pictures to show you)
Isn't this a beautiful tree? Peeling bark and surrounded by snowy white blossoms. i should have snapped a shot a la natural - Without the glaring intrusive colours of the cushion. That blue really stands out!
The tapestry was originally a framed picture completed by my friend Pam. She had grown tired of it and was going to give it to an op shop but instead I snapped it up, ripped it out of the frame and then proceeded to add a lacy crochet border. This is the best kind of recycling,,, a quality product to start with and minimal effort on my behalf. I know that I would not willingly choose to spend the hours to complete the tapestry and finish it in this life time!
See you next at the Tickle Tank!