Thursday, 24 March 2016

Object Magic

I''m a little slow these days in blogging, the main reason can be attributed to the fact that it takes a huge amount of time for me to upload my photos on to the computer....and most of the time I cant be bothered waiting. By the time I get round to writing - it is old news. So to all those whom follow me on instagram there will be some old news.
That being said I also have photos from my visit to the South Australian  Art Gallery which currently has a showing of Magic Objects. If you love fantasy and in particular in the form of blown glass then you will enjoy the fantasy workings of Adelaide born glass blower..Tom Moore
Also not to be missed as part of the exhibition , which is being held over several sites in Adelaide city is the Museum adjacent to the Adelaide Uni West Campus.

Tom Moore

 Just in case you are not impressed by his work.. here is a photo of 1/4 or the room. His work made me smile

Also in the art gallery a growing instillation which the public is free to add to (as we did, nothing like bringing out my inner child)

 My friend Richmal, concentrating on her creation and her daughter Emelene below

Do you still want to see more?
These are made by NELL..hand built ornaments based on the Japanese tomb decorations in various states of expression and humour

I just love the light in the chandelier hanging in the SAM TAG Museum + you can tell by the number of photos I was quite taken with it.

Inside the museum more of Object Magic..It is weird , alien, phallic, textural fantasy and a massive work! From out of this work, under this world and of the natural decide.

Phew. Hope you enjoyed.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Summers End

The last day of summer saw it come to a dramatic end here in Adelaide. A humid yet hot day came to a close with darkening skies and the intermittent rumble of clouds clashing in the distance. I watched the clouds thicken and grey on the beach at Somerton as my daughter trained with the surf life saving team. It promised to rain with the look of these thick dark clouds but alas nothing that afternoon. An hour later after training and having served dinner I looked out to see a dramatic yellow sky. I grabbed the camera and headed to the beach in the car - all the time cussing the slow drivers impeding my journey - I could see this most spectacular sky but couldn't photograph it! I arrived at last light. Raiin drifts sweeping across the ocean and the occassional flash of lighting.  Another photographer arrived at Kingston Park look out , he  was better prepared for night photography coming with stand in  hand.

I did profess to be more of a point and shoot kind of gal and proceeded to take a few quick snaps and play with the knobs on my camera (namely setting it to night photography)  No stand and delayed shutter speed - grainy photographs, but I quite like the effect.

This is the view over Seacliff and Brighton Beaches over looking the caraban park.
The Brighton jetty is at the furtherest point

The Kingston Park lookout

And the storm rolling over the ocean