Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Christmas Wreath No.2

Home today from work and resting on my bed. Every time I cough my temples throb and my sinuses are completely blocked despite taking medication to dry up the passages. I've started another wreath with materials on hand. I originally started with the star shaped pendant but chose to remove it as I hadn't incorporated enough of the colourings that are present in the pendant.

I made some yellow and white flowers last night - not an overly taxing job, really just rolling balls and squashing them to form petals. I'd slept most of the day and was wide awake looking for something not too energetic to do.

I have utilized old necklaces and have wired them with seed beads.. slow and tedious job

Wreath two of three under way. I thought that I would collect so more gum nuts to fill the gaps, maybe when I feel less heady.
Here is the T shirt without the tape

For more Christmas wreath ideas go and here and here and here


  1. I do like how the wreath has turned out. The doilie snowflakes and flowers are very pretty.
    and the t-shirt design is beautiful. now you'll have to make a matching tote bag and you'll be all set for the farmers markets. x

  2. you are so talented, I love the second wreath as well! Makes me think I need to get my Xmas list going :)


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